Our Services

  1. We offer a variety of services including basic dentistry, aesthetic dentistry, replacement of missing teeth, treatment of dental pain and treatment of chronic conditions and diseases.
  2. We always recommend first doing a full check-up if you are a new patient to ensure no important issues are overlooked. In this consultation we can discuss your needs and expectations before moving forward.
  3. We aim to provide wholistic care and to equip you with the tools you need to maintain health.

Check-ups and Cleanings

At our check-up appointment we examine all the teeth clinically and also take x-rays. Our x-rays are digital x-rays which expose you to less radiation than older methods. X-rays are vital to ensure we check all surfaces of the teeth and can see decay that may be hiding between the teeth


We place fillings in both children and adults. Small fillings can sometimes be completed on the day of your appointment or we will book you in for multiple fillings after a check-up. We place ‘white’ (composite) fillings

Crowns and Bridges

We make use of CEREC technology to construct crowns and bridges in-house. This means a more accurate fit and a natural looking result. All crown and bridge work requires a quote before we commence work- please book a consultation first so we can get started

Tooth Whitening

We offer both in-chair and at-home whitening. A check-up is needed prior to performing whitening to ensure it is safe to proceed

Root Canal

We perform root canal on all types of teeth and make use of irrigation devices, lasers and CBCT imaging in order to give you the best treatment possible. Some teeth have very complex anatomy and if we feel that you would benefit from specialist treatment under a microscope we are able to refer you to trusted endodontists

Interceptive Orthodontics

Interceptive orthodontics is the use of plates and devices to correct early issues with malocclusion (the way the teeth bite together). It is for children who still have some baby teeth in their mouth. Not every child will benefit from this treatment so please make a consultation appointment to determine if we can help you

Grinding and Clenching Management

If you suspect you are grinding or clenching your teeth we are able to assess your muscles and teeth for damage get you on a treatment program

Paediatric Dentistry

We love seeing kiddies and recommend bringing them in early for a check-up to create a positive association with the dentist